Castlepoint Lighthouse Sunrise Lake Ferry Sunset
Day 5 was one of our earliest mornings as we woke up at 4:30am to make the 60 minute drive to Castlepoint Lighthouse to watch the sunrise. The drive from Carterton to Castlepoint was a pretty crazy ride for us. There is a logging truck depot close to Castlepoint, so we had about 10-15 large semis pass us going the opposite direction that morning. The road out to Castlepoint is a narrow road, with mostly no markings and no shoulders. It did have lots of possums running across the road though. When we finally made the last turn into Castlepoint, this was the view that greeted us.

After catching the sunrise, we walked back to our car and had some breakfast while we watched the seagulls hunt for snacks on the beach. We then drove back to Carterton for a 2 hour nap and made some lunch. Once we were up and about again, we made our way south to Lake Ferry. We hung out on the beach there for a few hours before heading to the Lake Ferry Hotel for some fish & chips!

After dinner, we walked around the beach area a bit more and found some interesting driftwood to take pictures of as the sun began to set.

You can see the rest of our trip here: